When I became sober, the Ascension brought me comfort because of its transcended divine reality. As a broken individual, I needed a transformation and faith in God who could do all things.
Saint Mark’s Sense of Urgency
As Christians we can imitate Saint Mark the Evangelist and our Haitian neighbors with regard to working out our salvation in a much more urgent manner.
Zenaida, Philonella, and Hermione: Healers and Physicians
When the tensions in Haiti are minimal, I run an annual medical clinic at St. Marc’s Episcopal School in one of the most remote places in the country.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: No Cheap Grace
I often struggle with how to balance opposing injustice and evil while maintaining my Christian commitment to mercy, peace, and forgiveness.
Gregory the Great: An Example Transcending Centuries
I once taught a course entitled, ‘Serving to Learn, Learning to Serve.’
Margaret of Scotland: A Timeless Example for Children and Adults
Examining the life and leadership of Queen Margaret of Scotland reminds me that people born a thousand years ago are fully capable of offering insight to contemporary Christian living.
Herman of Alaska: Against Paternalism
During the period of colonialism and when the Church aligned itself with the State, paternalism became the way of ‘ministering’ to indigenous people.
Saint Alban: Finding Solidarity with the Persecuted
Growing up, my older brother and I occasionally found ourselves in hot water.
Graduating with Gratitude
Each year as I prepare my sermon for the baccalaureate Eucharist service, I discern which kernels of wisdom I may offer to prepare them for a world of division, plagues, war, political upheaval, and godlessness. I wonder what they will take with them along with their diplomas and Bibles as they graduate and leave chapel.
Saint George: Dying for the Risen Christ
As a young child, I held aspirations of joining the military. I remember our imaginary play through back street alleys and vacant lots included re-enacting scenes from the latest war movie that we watched on television.