Grow Christians

Welcome to Grow Christians

 At Grow Christians, we believe that faith is a journey best shared together. Here, we nurture our spiritual growth as a community, celebrating God’s presence in all the ordinary and extraordinary moments of life. From inspiring reflections and practical resources to family-friendly recipes and activities, Grow Christians offers something for everyone seeking to live out their faith at home. Together, we explore ways to bring joy, hope, and gratitude into daily life, building a foundation of faith that thrives through each season and grows with every shared experience.

Recent Posts

Obedience and Submission

Everything conspires to take away from a man who is set in authority over others the sense of justice and ...

Between Love and Fear: Parenting, Protection, and the Story of Manche Masemola

The older my children get, the harder it is to know what it means to protect them. Even as we ...

Sharing Christ’s Light through Word and Deed

The Feast of the Presentation of our Lord, celebrated 40 days following the celebration of Christ’s birth, was first observed ...

Nurturing bright flames of love with Saint Brigid

Today is the 1,501st anniversary of the death of Brigid of Kildare. Brigid is one of the three patron saints ...

Talking to Kids about World Religions

On New Year’s Day, two big stories made the news, one domestic and another abroad. The media quickly tossed around ...

So you want a Damascus Road Conversion Experience?

“You must have often wondered why the Enemy does not make more use of His power to be sensibly present ...

About Us

We strive to create an online community of discipleship focused on   the practical details of life at home. Gathering reflections, stories, images, and recipes from diverse Episcopalians, this group blog inspires generations to come together as they celebrate the presence of God through the Christian year.

We are incredibly grateful for the invaluable support and collaboration that make Grow Christians possible. Housed within the Department of Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary, Grow Christians continues to flourish in an environment dedicated to nurturing faith. The Lifelong Learning Department is committed to providing resources, guidance, and opportunities for growth, supporting individuals and families as they deepen their understanding and practice of faith at every stage of life. Grow Christians is supported by a team committed to strengthening spiritual foundations within homes and communities. With the partnership of Faith-filled Families, a 5 year initiative generously funded through Lilly Endowment Inc., awarded to Virginia Theological Seminary, Grow Christians strives to make a lasting impact on families seeking to live out their faith together.

These resources have been selected to assist Christians of every generation to grow in faith together.


The Story of King Jesus

Designed for children ages 4 to 8, The Story of King Jesus is the gospel told in a single story—a story meant to be read from start to finish in one sitting.

A Homemade Year

The opportunity to be a godparent or sponsor at the baptism of a child calls for thinking about your faith and the responsibilities you assume in this new role.


Eating and praying together as a family can be an important source of strength and renewal. This booklet contains thirty prayers and graces.

Nurturing Discipleship Together

Grow Christians, where we believe that nurturing discipleship is a journey best taken together. In a world that often feels disconnected, we strive to create a vibrant online community that celebrates the presence of God in our everyday lives.

Discover the Heart of Our Community

Why Grow Christians?

In a fast-paced world, finding a supportive community for spiritual growth is essential. Grow Christians offers a unique space where individuals can deepen their faith, share experiences, and nurture discipleship together

Practical Resources

Access a wealth of resources designed to enhance your spiritual growth, including Bible studies, daily reflections, and engaging activities for all ages.

Diverse Perspectives

Experience faith through the diverse stories and reflections of fellow Episcopalians. Our blog features a variety of voices that enrich our understanding of the Christian journey.

Community Support

Connect with like-minded individuals who share your values and beliefs. Our community fosters an environment of encouragement and support, helping you strengthen your relationship with God.

Our Mission

Empowering Discipleship and Community

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