One book that has survived moves and book purges since I graduated seminary is Francis and Clare: The Complete Works from the Classics of Western Spirituality series.
Saint Benedict’s Reminder for Daily Life
Most prayer books sitting in the pew rack have a section of pages that are somewhat dirty. You see them from the side while the book is closed. They are darkened and protruding out a bit.
Except in Lent, add Alleluia.
I had something curious happen to me this past week, and it’s made me pay attention and wonder how the events of this past year are affecting not only me, but all of us.
The (Virtual) Vesper Light
In the Before Times I had an awkward relationship with my at-home Book of Common Prayer.
When Spiritual Practices Become Springs in the Desert
“Yes, I understand you are hikers, but have you ever backpacked in the desert?”
The Gift of Time to Grow
If you’ve ever watched a little seedling nose its way up through the earth like a tiny miracle, then you know what it’s like to witness the power of God working through us in ways more impossible than you could imagine.