I grew up in New Orleans, a city with a strong Roman Catholic presence. A lot of the kids I knew attended Catholic schools. Statues of the Virgin Mary adorned every third front yard. Fridays in Lent meant that someone was always holding a fish fry.
Breaking Down Barriers at Church
Families can participate in the life of the church through different, and sometimes unexpected, ways.
I didn’t finish my altar or Lent Madness. But here’s my summer reading list. I hope!
What my altar looks like today, how Lent Madness at home turned out, and some summer reading plans.
Your Altars at Home
I asked for advice and inspiration on creating a place for prayer at home… and Grow Christians readers responded.
My Little Amen Corner
My shrine is a holy zone and place of refuge – a place where I draw strength from God.
A special place for prayer at home?
I’m getting ready to make a space for prayer at home. Do you already have one?
A traveling prayer altar helps me stay centered.
My travel prayer altar has helped keep me more spiritually centered, grounded, patient, and grateful on family vacations and at conferences.
Bringing Easter into Our Home
Taking down old palm crosses, putting up new ones, and making an Easter altar helps our family observe the season.