Just after 7:30 this morning my younger son and I trekked out to the driveway in our slippers and pajamas, a box of sidewalk paint, a roll of masking paint, and my cup of coffee our only companions.
Our Family’s Guide for the Good Book Club
I love Epiphany. I love the stories of the Magi, Anna, Simeon, Paul, Peter, the wedding guests, and others who realize who Jesus is and why he has come.
#AdventWord 2019
For the past six years, #AdventWord has given the opportunity to participate in a global advent calendar with visual and written meditations. Each day, a short reflection, word, and image arrives in email inboxes and on social media to help focus on the preparatory season during the 24 busy days of Advent.
Celebrating James of Jerusalem and the Power of Names
There’s going to be a brother in our house. The two big sisters, upon learning we are expecting a boy, spent nearly five minutes in anguish before returning to delightful anticipation of Baby.
A Picture Study on the Feast of Saint Luke
I am delighted to be celebrating the Feast day of Luke the Evangelist. You see, Luke and I have been traveling closely lately. Along with the fact that it is his turn in the lectionary, I’m also currently writing a curriculum for the families at my school studying his gospel.
Church Art Projects for Summer Faith Formation
We are made in the image of God and we believe God to be the ultimate Creator. What better way to honor our Creator than to do likewise?
Celebrating Saint Brigid, a woman of fiery faith
I first learned of Brigid a few years ago while researching Ireland, and discovered that Brigid was another much beloved patron saint of the country, alongside Saint Patrick. I
The Good Book Club Grows in Us – Continued Family Connections
The Good Book Club helps us make connections with Scripture stories, our own stories, our family story, and with one another.
St Joseph was faithful – even when exhausted.
This scene feels like my life in the times when I have more things to do than there is time to do them.
Life’s Longing for Itself
These days my prayers are an admission that I’m not the one in control.