I meet Photine in her slumped shoulders.
Brigid’s reminder of the world’s malleability
Take a moment, and think of one of your heroes.
Margaret of Scotland’s Lessons on Immigration and Compassion
An American friend recently introduced me to Ted Lasso — a comedy series about an American football coach who is brought over to the UK to […]
Witnessing Christ through Acts of Service
When have you experienced the good news of Christ through serving others?
The Brave, Gentle Leadership of Bishop William White
Imagine a hot Philadelphia day. Perhaps, an early Sunday morning in 1777, a year after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The Verdant Greening of Joy
Today we celebrate the commemoration of Saint Hildegard of Bingen, a woman offering so many gifts to the church that they are hard to list.
The Stone Will Be Rolled Away
Today we celebrate the commemoration of Joanna, Mary, and Salome, the women who set out for the tomb bearing spices to anoint the dead body of Jesus.
Desert Mother, Patriarchy Destroyer
Two and a half weeks ago I had no idea who Melania the Elder was. (Hint: The Patriarchy)
Trading Snake Driving for Cat Herding
You might notice that people around you are in clashing shades of green, pinching priests who forgot a green accessory, because they are all so […]
Silence and Slow Time: honoring Richard Meux Benson and Charles Gore, monks and mystics
Students found the idea of a week in silence more alarming than a week detoxing from substance abuse, but as full time high school English teachers, my husband and I treasured the time in silence and prayer.