Just a few short weeks ago I wrote to you about the death of Grow Christians contributor Elizabeth Felicetti. And now here I am again, […]
Beatified Anyway
Dear Grow Christians Community, It’s with profound sadness that I write with the news of Elizabeth Felicetti’s death. A Grow Christians contributor and brilliant writer, […]
The Case for All Souls Day
I believe that the observance of All Souls Day is crucial.
Joseph of Arimathea held death in his arms
What is most vivid for me about Joseph is how he is moved by Jesus’ death.
Truth-Telling on Ash Wednesday
Recently, a parishioner described to me her experience of a funeral at another church. “They kept talking about the person’s ‘transition,’” she said. “It took me a while to figure out that they were using that word as a euphemism for death.”
This Advent, This Love
In keeping with a resounding theme, Advent, this year, has truly served as a time to reflect on love
The Human Family: in death and life, divine and mortal
Upon occasion, we have the privilege and honor to sit with the dying, to accompany death as she visits and extinguishes the flame of life afore us.
All Faithful Departed: Learning to Grieve
“When you were a child, who taught you how to grieve?”
Not So Creepy: The Invitation of All Hallows’ Eve
All Hallows’ Eve offers us an invitation unlike anything else in our culture.
Preparing our household for Allhallowtide
When suffering and grief inevitably find them, I want my children to be able to access the rituals of Allhallowtide