Last week, as priests and pastors and children’s ministers and people of all stripes working in churches attempted to make sense of the miraculous healing at the heart of the lectionary, some extremely important questions came up.
The Prodigal Son & The Disney Princess
When we read Bible stories, we always want to cast ourselves as favorably as possible. Sure, we might not be the Forgiving Father – that’s clearly Jesus casting himself in his story, right? – but we could at least be the forgiven son. Except we usually aren’t.
Celebrating Saint Philip and Saint James
Today is the feast of Saint Philip and Saint James, apostles with ambiguous storylines and confusingly common names.
Don’t take a vacation from God! Faith Formation is year-round and lifelong.
Every year, the church-going faithful come into Pentecost with their post-Easter glow and then, well…honestly, everyone seems to disappear. The “summer slump.” as my formation […]
My children are hearing the Bible in worship, camp and Sunday School. It all counts!
All of the snippets of scripture that we hear in worship and sing in hymns “count” in my children’s Christian education.