A post from the Forma Facebook page a few days ago reminded me: what am I doing for Advent with my youth group? Of course, I should have been thinking about this weeks ago. But here I am, scrolling through the list of ideas and putting together my Advent care package. But it’s not too late, especially in God’s time.
Jesus with Gray Hair
Jesus with gray hair? That’s not an image I’d ever imagined, not until my six-year-old granddaughter created one.
You were created to create!
Since we are made in the image of the Creator, we are also creators ourselves.
Day 2: Praise My Name
The Bible teaches us to praise God – not because God needs our praise, but because we need to offer it.
Fun and Faith Formation under the Tree – a Gift Guide!
Here’s a list of gift ideas integrating fun, family and faith. Works for godparents and grandparents too!
Coloring Our Way to Conversation on Faith
As we sit on the floor and color a Bible illustration together, I can ask him some questions about that Bible story.
Jesus speaks to us and to our kids: more about icons
Icons have become part of my faith journey over the years. They can speak to the children among us as well.