Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
I love thinking about Simeon holding Jesus in the temple singing about how his eyes have finally seen God that light to enlighten the nations.
I love thinking about Simeon holding Jesus in the temple singing about how his eyes have finally seen God that light to enlighten the nations.
Some days it’s hard for me to think about the last 24 months or so. I have gone from being an 18-month plan-ahead kind of person to a taking-it-one-day-at-a- time kind of person.
Our family likes to celebrate and decorate for just about every holiday.
We want to give our children the world! So often what we end up giving them is continued complicity in the world’s model of desire and scarcity. Our faith teaches something better.
This end-of-year sprint is familiar territory for all of us. And still, every year it rolls around and surprises us.