“War broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, but they were defeated, and […]
Singing With The Heavenly Choir: The Invitation Of Saint Michael and All Angels
Merry Michaelmas! Have you started working on your Christmas pageant yet?
The importance of being known
Have you ever been called by the wrong name repeatedly?
Talking about Policing on the Feast of Saint Michael
Saint Michael and All angles can be an uncomfortable feast.
On the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels, We Need These Messengers of Hope
When angels appear to people in scripture the first thing they say is, “Do not be afraid!” And that’s what I need to hear today, on the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels.
So, why not angelic messengers?
In America, we use angels to sell pretty good toilet paper and terrible lingerie. We’re not much for the six-winged terror holding a burning coal to the prophet’s lips (Isaiah 6:2-7). We prefer fat cherubs with harps to sentinels with spinning, flaming swords (Genesis 3:24). Our angels aren’t divine messengers, and they don’t start their sentences with, “Fear not!” They are boring and uncool.
Michael Sings, “I Am the Warrior.” Can I?
The New Testament names two angels: Gabriel and Michael. Michael has had greater historical devotion, thus today’s feast “Michaelmas” or “The Feast of St. Michael […]
My mother taught me to listen to my angels.
Angels are messengers of God, sent to help us when we’re not hearing the still small voice.
Coins, Berries, Daisies, and Animals: Celebrating Early Autumn Feast Days
Special days aren’t just for Advent and Lent, they happen throughout the year. By observing just a few, we enrich our faith, and the faith of our family.
Faith at Home: Planning Ahead for September
Our monthly feature helps you think ahead to live the liturgical year at home.