In today’s world of wildly fast innovation, I think there are a few jobs that don’t get the credit they deserve. In particular I’m thinking […]
Come, see. You don’t want to miss out on this.
One month into my junior year of high school and four months after my dad’s sudden death, I declared to my closest friends over school lunch mystery meat that I was quitting church, and, by extension, God.
Help My Unbelief
Since the horrific day in Uvalde, Texas on May 24, life has seemed harder. I have had quite the struggle leaning into my faith — not to understand what took place, but to gain a hold of the hope that typically defines my heart.
Sharing Space with Jesus and Making Room for Skepticism
What in the world it must have been like to be the oldest brother of Jesus?! Really, what would it be like to share space with a sibling who is the Son of God?
Finding Comfort in the Transfigured Christ
There is no question that I am the disciple asking if we can make a dwelling, to try to live inside the fleeting moments when I feel the very palpable love and presence of God.
Youth in the Wilderness: A Lenten Reflection
As we approach Lent, I wonder how we can use this season to help the teenagers in our care, at home and at church, keep the door open for faith.
Offering God Our Gifts and Our Doubts with Saint Andrew
Saint Andrew shows us we do have gifts to offer within ourselves and others, however big or small, and we can bring them forward to help feed, heal and bless those around us. And like Andrew, we can hold tight to our faith that no matter what we offer, our offerings are enough for God to work with and make miracles happen in this broken world.
When Nia and I were children: watching my girls grow up
When your children realize that they’re adults, it puts a whole new spin on the phrase “life comes at you fast.” Miriam McKenney wonders whether or not her kids’ faith lives are enough to equip them for adulthood.
Teaching Our Kids to Pray for Our Enemies
No parent, not matter how old your child is, wants to watch his or her child to be hurt. We need to find ways to rebuild our children so that they want to continue to pursue their goals. This time, we did this by praying for those who wish us to fail.
Jesus welcomed St. Thomas’s doubt. What about mine?
Jesus never condemns Thomas. Instead, he invites Thomas to come closer.