What’s your new year looking like? For one church, it’s a return to the physical building. Here’s how youth minister Miriam McKenney created a plan for maximum safety and fun in a big pop-up tent.
Keeping our community: spiritual connection and physical distance
What do we do when we can’t be together in person? Miriam shares how her youth group stays socially and spiritually connected while physically distant from one another.
Chaos and the Book of John: The Good Book Club and My Beloved Youth Group
What happens when a youth group reads the Book of John for The Good Book Club? It’s hectic, chaotic, and perfect.
Summer Goals
Last Sunday, my youth group blessed themselves and each other when they set summer goals.
How to Save Teenagers for Eternity in Three Easy Steps
As a teen, my stomach sank whenever I boarded a plane. I wasn’t scared to fly, I was nervous about sharing the gospel with my seatmate. What could be more awkward than cornering the total stranger trapped next to you to inquire about their eternal destiny? Yet that’s what my evangelical preachers told me to do on flights.
Following the Way of Love with Youth
Are you practice The Way of Love? Read about Bishop Curry’s call to us to follow the seven principles of The Way of Love: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bess, Go, and Rest and see how one youth group begins their journey on The Way.
My youth group is reading Exodus. They not-so-secretly like it.
A few weeks ago, my youth group joined Southern Ohio’s Diocesan Big Read, where we all read Exodus in community. What would my youth group think of my plan to have Bible study each week? Would extra snacks help? Here’s what happened.
Hiking our way: rebuilding our church’s youth group
“How did I get here?” I thought. “More importantly, how do I get out?”
What Do Teens Want from Church?
I asked our church’s youth what mattered to them.